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- Sequential Probability Ratio Test Part 2How to prove that the stopping time is finite In the first post in this series we introduced the concept… Read more: Sequential Probability Ratio Test Part 2
- The Sequential Probability Ratio TestThis will be the first post in a series of posts on the topic of sequential hypothesis testing. Specifically, these… Read more: The Sequential Probability Ratio Test
- The Markov chain approach to CUSUMNote: the code used to do the calculations in this post can be found here in the “change-point-detection” repository on… Read more: The Markov chain approach to CUSUM
- Online change point detection and CUSUMNote: the code used to generate the figures in this post can be found here in the “change-point-detection” repository on… Read more: Online change point detection and CUSUM
- Multiple hypothesis testing part 3: how to prove that the Benjamini-Hochberg method worksIn our last post we introduced the approach to the Multiple Comparisons Problem based on control of the false discovery… Read more: Multiple hypothesis testing part 3: how to prove that the Benjamini-Hochberg method works
- Multiple hypothesis testing part 2: the false discovery rate and the Benjamini-Hochberg methodIn the first post on this blog we introduced the Multiple Comparisons Problem (MCP), which is the increased risk of… Read more: Multiple hypothesis testing part 2: the false discovery rate and the Benjamini-Hochberg method
- Using data to bound the probability of a rare eventNote: the code used to generate the numbers and figures in this post can be found here in the “rare-event-probability”… Read more: Using data to bound the probability of a rare event
- Chebyshev’s inequality with sample mean and sample varianceIn this post we’ll look at a very interesting fundamental result in statistics that deals with the following situation. Suppose… Read more: Chebyshev’s inequality with sample mean and sample variance
- A/B testing with small samplesNote: the code used to generate the figures in this post can be found here in the “AB-testing-small-samples” repository on… Read more: A/B testing with small samples
- Multiple hypothesis testing and the Holm-Bonferroni methodWhen testing multiple hypotheses at the same time, we must be careful when analyzing the results. A naive analysis of… Read more: Multiple hypothesis testing and the Holm-Bonferroni method